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Y.js Binding Example

In this example we will be synchronizing two separate root stores via the included Y.js binding. This binding ensures a Y.js document is kept in sync with a mobx-bonsai store and vice-versa. This is useful for example when you when you want to have multiple clients that keep in sync with each other using a peer-to-peer connection, an intermediate server, etc. Another nice feature of CRDTs is that they are conflict-free, so you don't have to worry about conflicts when two clients edit the same data at the same time, even if they were offline while doing such changes. Due to this all updates become optimistic updates and perceived performance is great since it does not require a server confirming the operation.

Note: This example uses y-webrtc to share state using WebRTC (P2P).



import { observable } from "mobx"
import { getSnapshot, applyPlainObjectToYMap, bindYjsToNode } from "mobx-bonsai"
import { observer } from "mobx-react"
import { useState } from "react"
import { WebrtcProvider } from "y-webrtc"
import * as Y from "yjs"
import { TodoListView } from "../todoList/app"
import { createDefaultTodoList, TodoList } from "../todoList/store"

function getInitialState() {
// here we just generate what a client would have saved from a previous session,
// but it could be stored in each client local storage or something like that

const yjsDoc = new Y.Doc()
const yjsRootStore = yjsDoc.getMap("rootStore")

const todoListSnapshot = getSnapshot(createDefaultTodoList())
applyPlainObjectToYMap(yjsRootStore, todoListSnapshot)

const updateV2 = Y.encodeStateAsUpdateV2(yjsDoc)


return updateV2

function initAppInstance() {
// we get the initial state from the server, which is a Yjs update
const rootStoreYjsUpdate = getInitialState()

// hydrate into a Yjs document
const yjsDoc = new Y.Doc()
Y.applyUpdateV2(yjsDoc, rootStoreYjsUpdate)

// and create a binding into a mobx-bonsai node
const { node: rootStore } = bindYjsToNode<TodoList>({
yjsObject: yjsDoc.getMap("rootStore"),

// connect to other peers via webrtc
const webrtcProvider = new WebrtcProvider("mobx-bonsai-yjs-binding-demo", yjsDoc)

// expose the webrtc connection status as an observable
const status = observable({
connected: webrtcProvider.connected,
setConnected(value: boolean) {
this.connected = value

webrtcProvider.on("status", (event) => {

const toggleWebrtcProviderConnection = () => {
if (webrtcProvider.connected) {
} else {

return { rootStore, status, toggleWebrtcProviderConnection }

export const AppInstance = observer(() => {
const [{ rootStore, status, toggleWebrtcProviderConnection }] = useState(() => initAppInstance())

return (
<TodoListView list={rootStore} />

<br />

<div>{status.connected ? "Online (sync enabled)" : "Offline (sync disabled)"}</div>
onClick={() => {
style={{ width: "fit-content" }}
{status.connected ? "Disconnect" : "Connect"}


import { observer } from "mobx-react"
import { AppInstance } from "./appInstance"

let iframeResizerChildInited = false

function initIframeResizerChild() {
if (!iframeResizerChildInited) {
iframeResizerChildInited = true
void import("@iframe-resizer/child")

export const App = observer(() => {

return (
// to avoid the iframe end from being cut off
paddingBottom: 8,
<h2>App Instance</h2>
<AppInstance />